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General Dentistry

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General Dentistry Page

New Patient Special Offer

$359 (Original value $599)

Take advantage of this exclusive offer which includes:

Full Comprehensive Exam, Cleaning for up to 4 units of time (1 hour), Polishing, Panoramic X-rays, Intraoral & Extraoral Photos, Intraoral X-rays, Personalized Hygiene Instructions 

*offer valid until March 31st 2025

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A healthy mouth can help protect the rest of your body from medical disorders as oral infections can spread to other parts of your body, which can include vital organs. Dental exams and routine check ups are crucial in monitoring your teeth and gums and aredetect for signs of existing issues with your overall well being that might otherwise go unnoticed. At the appointment Dre. Hassanlou evaluates your teeth, gums, jaw and joints, looks for any signs of tooth decay, cavities, wear and tear, as well your risk of developing other oral problems.

During your routine check-up our hygienist will also perform a cleaning (also called scaling) to eliminate the buildup of plaque, tartar and ultimately bacteria. Build up can still occur even if you brush and floss regularly. One of the main warning signs of risk of tooth decay is an accumulation of plaque and tartar, which can potentially cause gum disease if you have a build-up of plaque beneath the gums. Tartar buildup usually accumulates along your gums however it can also accumulate underneath. If not removed regularly, these deposits can cause your gums to detach from the teeth while it eats away at the bone thus creating pockets for more buildup to accumulate. Preventative cleanings can halt this process however it is irreversible.

Restorative Dentistry

It is the process which focuses on repairing or restoring damaged teeth structures. This can include procedures such as bridges, implants, fillings. The most common of these procedures is a filling. The process to treat a cavity is quite simple. First, the area around the tooth is numbed with a local anesthetic. Then the decay that was caused by bacteria is removed and the area cleaned. Dr. Hassanlou then fills the area with a composite resin material which takes on the color of the tooth. Next, a special light that hardens each layer is applied. When the process is completed, she will then shape the composite material to the desired result, remove any excess material and polish the final restoration.

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A female dentist is talking to a patient in a dental office.
A woman in a blue scrub is talking to another woman in a dental chair
A woman and a little girl are sitting on a couch and hugging each other.

Teeth extraction

Teeth can be removed for multiple reasons such as excessive decay, infection, broken teeth and overcrowding. Removing visible teeth can be quite a simple extraction. Teeth that are broken, below the surface, or impacted (most commonly wisdom teeth) that have led to failure of the tooth to emerge from the gum require a more complex procedure. Those who need orthodontic treatment such as braces for example may need one or more teeth to be removed to provide room for their other teeth to shift into place. Teeth extraction is usually very safe, however the surgery can allow some harmful bacteria into the bloodstream. Gum tissues are also at risk of infection. However Dr. Hassanlou uses plasma rich growth factors (PRGF) drawn from your own blood during the treatment to create a membrane and place it on the area where the tooth has been removed. This method greatly reduces the risk of infection, bleeding and swelling. If you have a condition that puts you at high risk for developing a severe infection or have other health disorders, PRGF is highly recommended.

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